1). 笨蛋 bèn dàn; Idiot/fool 笨 means dumb , 蛋 literally means egg, Chinese usually use 笨蛋to describe someone they think is a dumb. Offensive Level : ★★ nǐ zhè gè xiǎo bèn dàn ,zhè dào tí hái cuò le 。 你这个小笨蛋,这道题还错了。 You little fool, you made a mistake on this question. 2). 王八蛋 wáng bā dàn; 王八 literally means t urtle , 蛋 is egg, in Ancient Chinese, they take a turtle is one ugly animal, therefore they usually use turtle to insult someone they dont like, the eggs of the turtles certainly are not nice as well. This word can be translated in English as " Son of bitch ". Offensive Level : ★★★★ (When you caught someone who is stealing your money, you can say this ) wáng bā dàn ,gǎn tōu wǒ de qián 王八蛋,敢偷我的钱。 Son of bitch, how dare you can steal my money. 3). 滚蛋/滚 gǔn dàn; Fuck Off !It`s used when you want someone to leave with an impolitely tone . 滚 to roll; 滚蛋 you can understand it as to roll like an egg, or you can simply use"滚" to ask someone to leave. ...